Friday, June 3, 2011

Pond's Facial Wash

So now i'm a bit frustrated with my skin. It's not as young as it looks, too much break-out and blemishes. Of course, i wanna make sure that I am using the right facial wash.

At first, i was using the Pond's White Beauty after the break-out. It was doing well. You can see that your skin tone is getting lighter, more glowing. I guess after sometime, your face will get tired of the same wash so I just had to stop it.

So since I already have my regular "zit alert" I had to try to Anti-Bacterial facial scrub. A few years back, this facial wash did not work for me. Had little bumps on the skin. So i was hesittant to use this again. Good thing, Pond's came up with the 5 peso sachet. Tried the product, and it helped a bit. Of course, it's not instant but you can feel it's working; trying to prevent more break outs.

There are lots of facial wash in the market; you don't know what suits you. I suggest, get the 5 pesos sachet Pond's has and see how it works on your skin

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